Pierre Ford of Lynnwood
Feb 23, 2024
Getting a New Car Battery for Your Ford

A car battery is something we often take for granted: until it starts causing problems. A dying battery can lead to a host of issues, so here are some thoughts from your local Ford dealer about signs to watch for.

Time to Get a New Car Battery? Thoughts from Your Ford Dealer

Slow Engine Crank

One of the most common signs of a dying car battery is a slow engine crank. When you turn the key, if you notice that the engine is struggling to start and seems to be turning over slowly, it’s a clear indication that your battery is losing its charge.

Dimming Headlights

Are your headlights noticeably dimmer than usual? Dimming or flickering headlights when you start your Ford or while driving can be an indicator of a weakening battery. This happens because the battery is unable to provide sufficient power to the electrical components.

Warning Lights on the Dashboard

Modern Ford vehicles are equipped with diagnostic systems that can detect battery-related issues. If you see the battery warning light on your dashboard illuminated, it’s a clear signal that your battery needs attention.

Electrical Issues

A failing battery can affect various electrical components in your Ford. You may experience problems with power windows, radio, or other accessories. If these components start to malfunction, it’s worth considering the state of your battery.

Frequent Jump Starts

If jump starts become a part of your morning routine more often than not, it’s a very good indicator that your battery can no longer hold a charge well. While jump-starting can get you going temporarily, it’s not a long-term solution.

Battery Age

Car batteries have a limited lifespan, typically ranging from 3 to 5 years. If your battery is getting close to this timeframe, it’s a good idea to be proactive and replace it, even if you haven’t experienced any of the other warning signs yet.

Unusual Odors

In some rare instances, a failing battery can emit a sulfurous odor (the rotten egg smell). A certain chemical reaction within the battery gives off this smell; it indicates an internal problem that requires immediate attention.

Visible Battery Damage

Sometimes, you may notice physical damage to the battery itself, such as cracks, leaks, or corrosion on the terminals. These issues can contribute to a weakened battery and should be addressed promptly.

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact Pierre Ford of Lynnwood right away. Our experienced team here in Lynnwood, WA can help you choose the right battery for your specific Ford model, ensuring that you enjoy worry-free driving.